Source Code] Data Visualization: Based on Echarts + Python Dynamic Real-time Large Screen Example - DataBase Data

[Source] Data Visualization: Based on Echarts + Python Dynamic Real-Time Large Screen Example - DataBase Data

Big screen data source whether you can show a richer variety, such as Excel, databases, etc., that is more close to the partners of the actual work of the scene, you can quickly apply in the work, so the partners should be demanded, the birth of this [based on Echarts + Python dynamic real-time big screen example - DataBase data source]. In addition, a lot of actual display scenes need to autoplay effects, this case also shows the Events and DispatchAction triggered by the pie chart and map highlighting effect, very practical.

Before the partners suggested that I come up with some video courses to learn Echarts, so that you can get started faster, so I chased the stars to catch up with the moon to record the "Echart-0 basic introductory" series of courses (a total of 14 lessons) , and I hope that the partners more support.

Database connection - python Records

Official open source GitHub address:  Currently there are 6.7K Star supported databases including RedShift, Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and MS-SQL (drivers not included). Because it is simple enough, powerful enough, and supports enough databases, Records is used in this case.

I. Identification of demand programs

1, determine the screen resolution of the product online deployment

Adaptive display based on computer resolution screen, F11 full screen view;

2. Deployment mode 

B/S way: support for Windows, Linux, Mac and other mainstream operating systems; support for mainstream browsers Chrome, Microsoft Edge, 360, etc.; the server is written in python, configure the python dependencies can be.

II. Overall architectural design

Front-end Echarts open source library : using WebStorm editor ;

Backend http server: Python based implementation, using Pycharm or VSCode editor;

Data transfer format: JSON;

Data source type: Mysql DataBase. actual development needs, support for customizing the HTTP API interface mode or a variety of other types of databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, Excel tables and so on.

Data update method: this case in order to show the data, using http get pull. The actual development needs, using the back-end data real-time updates, real-time push to the front-end display;

Third, the coding realization (based on length and readability considerations, here to show some of the key code)

1, front-end html code - the overall layout of the page 

<body style="”background-color:" #01030c”>

   <div class="”container_fluid”">

      <div class="”row_fluid”" id="”vue_app”">

         <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-12″>

            <dv-decoration-1 style=”height:4%;”>


            <h3 id="”container_h”"></h3>


         <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-3″>

            <dv-border-box-13 style=”height:29%;padding:0 0″ class=”col-xs-12 col-md-12″>

               <div style="”height:100%;padding:5%" 5% 5%;” id ="”container_0″"></div>


            <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-12″>

               <dv-border-box-13 style=”height:29%;padding:0 0″ class=”col-xs-12 col-md-12″>

                  <div style="”height:100%;padding:5%" 5% 5%;” id ="”container_1″"></div>



            <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-12″>

               <dv-border-box-13 style=”height:29%;padding:0 0″ class=”col-xs-12 col-md-12″>

                  <div style="”height:100%;padding:5%" 5% 5%;” id ="”container_2″"></div>




         <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-6″>

            <dv-border-box-13 style=”height:87%;padding:0 0″ class=”col-xs-12 col-md-12″>

               <div style="”height:100%;padding:" 2% 2%” id ="”container_3″"></div>



         <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-3″>

            <dv-border-box-13 style=”height:29%;padding:0 0″ class=”col-xs-12 col-md-12″>

               <div style="”height:100%;padding:5%" 5% 5%;” id ="”container_4″"></div>


            <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-12″>

               <dv-border-box-13 style=”height:29%;padding:0 0″ class=”col-xs-12 col-md-12″>

                  <div style="”height:100%;padding:5%" 5% 5%;” id ="”container_5″"></div>



            <div style="”padding:0" 0″ class="”col-xs-12" col-md-12″>

               <dv-border-box-13 style=”height:29%;padding:0 0″ class=”col-xs-12 col-md-12″>

                  <div style="”height:100%;padding:5%" 5% 5%;” id ="”container_6″"></div>







2、Front-end JS code - Echarts map component


var myChart.

var data = [];

var mapOption.

var barOption.

var currentOption.

function initEchartMap(idContainer) {

 myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(idContainer), window.gTheme);

 mapOption = {

  tooltip: {

   trigger: "item",

   formatter: function (params) {

    value = 0;

    if (!window.isNaN(params.value)) {

     value = params.value;


    return + " : " + value;



  visualMap: {

   realtime: true,

   calculable: true,

   seriesIndex: 0,


  geo: [


    map: "china",

    roam: true,

    layoutCenter: ["50%", "55%"],

    layoutSize: "120%",

    selectedMode: "single",

    zoom: 0.9



  series: [


    name: "Map",

    type: "map",

    coordinateSystem: "geo",

    geoIndex: 0,

    data: [],




 barOption = {

  grid: {

   left: "10%",

   top: "20%".

   right: "5%".

   bottom: "5%".

   containLabel: true,


  xAxis: {

   type: "value",

   axisLabel: {

    textStyle: {

     color: "rgba(255,255,255,.7)",

     fontSize: 12,



   axisLine: {

    lineStyle: {

     color: "rgba(255,255,255,.2)",



   splitLine: {

    lineStyle: {

     color: "rgba(255,255,255,.1)",




  yAxis: {

   type: "category",

   axisLabel: {

    rotate: 30,

    textStyle: {

     color: "rgba(255,255,255,.7)",

     fontSize: 12,



   axisLine: {

    lineStyle: {

     color: "rgba(255,255,255,.2)",



   splitLine: {

    lineStyle: {

     color: "rgba(255,255,255,.1)",



   data: (item) {




  dataZoom: [


    type: "slider",

    yAxisIndex: 0,

    left: "2%",

    start: 50,

    end: 100,



  animationDurationUpdate: 1000,

  series: [


    type: "bar",

    id: "population",

    data: (item) {

     return item.value;


    universalTransition: true,




 currentOption = mapOption;


 setInterval(function () {

  currentOption = currentOption === mapOption ? currentOption = currentOption === mapOption ?

  myChart.setOption(currentOption, true);

 }, 3000);

 window.addEventListener("resize", function () {




function asyncDataMap(filename) {

 $.getJSON(filename).done(function (res) {

  data = res.sort(function (a, b) {

   return a.value - b.value;


  barOption.series[0].data = (item) {

   return item.value;

  }); = (item) {



  mapOption.series[0].data = res;

  currentOption = currentOption === mapOption ? currentOption = currentOption === mapOption ?

  myChart.setOption(currentOption, true);

 }); //end $.getJSON


3. Echarts Auto Highlight - Map Component

In this example, the pie charts and maps are highlighted automatically, which is very useful when displaying them again.

setInterval(function () {

  var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(container));

  var dataLen = 0;

  try {

   dataLen = myChart.getOption().dataset[0]["source"].length;

  } catch {

   dataLen = myChart.getOption().series[0]["data"].length;


  // Unhighlight the previously highlighted graphic


   type: "downplay",

   seriesIndex: 0,

   dataIndex: currentIndex,


  currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % dataLen; currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % dataLen.

  // Highlight the current graph


   type: "highlight",

   seriesIndex: 0,

   dataIndex: currentIndex,


  // Show tooltip


   type: "showTip",

   seriesIndex: 0,

   dataIndex: currentIndex,


 }, 1000);

4, back-end python implementation of the httpserver code

def HttpServer().


    server = HTTPServer((ip, port), MyRequestHandler)

        listen = "http://%s:%d" % (ip, port)

    print("Server listening address: ", listen)


  except ValueError as e.

    print("Exception", e)


if __name__ == "__main__".


5、DataBase data source and code

1. Database connection code

# Access to database

db = records.Database(


2. Database query code

def get_name_value(table_name).

  data = []

  # Read database

  sql = "select * from %s" % table_name

  rows = db.query(sql)

  for r in rows.all(as_dict=True):

    data.append([r["name"], r["value"]])

  return data

IV. Effect of on-line operation

V. Start-up commands

<!– 启动server命令 –>


<!– 浏览器中输入网址查看大屏(端口为 中的 port 参数定义) –>


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