Network Programmability Fundamentals_Video Tutorials

Network Programmability Fundamentals_Video Tutorial

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You will gain

1、Skills for developing SDN

2, using basic network programmable tools and techniques

3, understand the basics of Python programming regarding the development of web automation applications

4、Use APIC-EM to automate enterprise network operations

population (esp. of a group of people)

Aimed at the majority of network engineers, both those just starting out in the networking industry and seasoned professionals who want to expand their understanding of the technology and principles behind network programmability.

[Why do you want to take this course?

Traditionally, configuration of Cisco devices has been accomplished through the command line. However, the operating model across the industry continues to evolve, and more and more configuration is performed by software, an approach commonly referred to as software-defined networking (SDN).SDN is an emerging architecture that makes network policy implementation and network resource management easier and more cost-effective. It does this by decoupling both network control and network hardware, allowing the network to be controlled programmatically, with the underlying network infrastructure being managed by applications and network services rather than configured separately.

[Course Highlights

Network Programmable Fundamentals This course introduces SDN-centered networking theory and examines the components found in Cisco ACI networks. In addition, this course covers Python programming, a key skill required for network programming competency. Finally, this course provides a hands-on demonstration of several network programmability exercises through the DevNet website at Cisco.

[Introduction of Lecturer

Kevin Wallace.

-- Walt Disney World Walt Disney World Network Specialist, Cisco Multi-Domain Certified Specialist

SKevin Wallace's (Kevin Wallace) network design experience dates back to 1989 as a Network Design Specialist at Walt Disney World, an instructor for the Cisco Skillsoft course, an instructor for the Cisco Learning Partners (CLP) course, and the Network Leader at Eastern Kentucky University.

Kevin is a Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI), holds dual CCIEs, as well as expert certifications from Cisco or associations in a variety of areas including routing, switching, collaboration, security, design, and data, and has published numerous video courses and books for Cisco Press.

[Course Gains]

Mastery of SDN development skills

Learn to use basic web programmable tools and techniques

Understanding of Python programming fundamentals required to develop web automation applications

Automating enterprise networks with api-em

Data Center Network Automation with APIC

Configuring Telnet, SSH and NETCONF

Course Catalog

Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Course 02:25

Chapter 2: Foundations of Programmability for Online Classes
Learning Objectives 00:55
Overview of SDN 11:47
Differences between Cisco APIC and APIC-EM 14:36
Network Programmability Examples 13:40
JSON format 05:19
XML format 07:54
YANG Data Modeling 10:30
GitHub 14:57

Chapter 3: Python Programming
Learning Objectives 01:14
Installing Python 06:25
Interactive commands 08:26
Data Types 07:37
Data type conversion 04:34
List 05:31
Dictionary 05:07
User input 02:55
IF Functions 07:32
Cycle 11:09
Document access 11:34

Chapter 4: APIC-EM Programming
Learning Objectives 00:55
APIC-EM application 28:26
Program to get service token 11:44
Getting user information 13:20
Creating a Python program to perform some operations 07:37

Chapter 5: APIC Programming
Learning Objectives 00:43
3 APIC configuration interfaces 12:14
API Overview 20:09
Creating tenants with Postman 04:44
APIC Programming Tools 14:05

Chapter 6: CLI Programming
Learning Objectives 01:04
telnet configuration 10:37
Telnet configuration using telnetlib and external files 14:30
SSH configuration with Paramiko 14:40
SSH configuration of Netmiko 13:24
NETCONF configuration 19:18

Chapter VII: Summary
Summary 00:42

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